My Journey

I can honestly tell you, I tried to make this short. Sorry. For being 27, my story is pretty long.

Fun times in a small town on the Jersey Shore (the good part) with a younger brother, super-protective parents, one of whom suffered from alcoholism.  My childhood and wonderful ups and pretty low downs. I lived on the beach and couldn't get enough of anything artsy. 

Teen years:  
Some wonderful close friends, gymnastics and cheering took up most of my time.  When I was 15 I met my husband-to-be and we became inseparable.  I spent a lot of time listening to his band rehearse and broadened my scope of friends. 

Letting Christ in:
In my early twenties, I began searching for something more in life.  Raised Catholic, I felt something was missing and started going to mass everyday.  Something was still lacking.  Soon after, I started searching for another religion, convinced I was raised to believe something that was wrong. When I started believing I should be a Bhuddist (yes, seriously), I met a friend who asked me to come to her son's baptism at a Baptist church.  I went, watched and something started moving in my heart.  After attending that church for almost a year, I knew I needed to accept Christ into my heart.  I was, at this point, engaged to my husband who was also not truly a believer.  He started attending the church with me.  When I was baptized, I was somewhat shocked that my soon-to-be husband ran up to get baptized after me. I was ecstatic to know that Christ had been working in his heart as well. Three months later, we were married.  Soon after, we felt that the church we were attending was no longer where God wanted us to be.  Within a year we found a new church home with a wonderful, supportive church family. 

And so it begins:
That same year I began having medical issues that began with syncopal episodes and severe headaches.  After several admissions to the hospital- without a successful diagnosis, I started having blurred vision, ringing in my ears, extreme dizziness and loss of balance. After several misdiagnoses, an MRI found that I had Chiari Malformation I (11/2010) a congenital condition in which the skull hasn't formed properly and the brain hangs down into the spinal column.  In severe cases, the brain can block spinal fluid creating a cyst in the spine (Syringomyelia). Well, I had both.  Thank the Lord that although I had experiences with doctors that were less than desirable, I ended up with a wonderful Neurosurgeon who recommended a ton of diagnostic testing and eventually referred me to another surgeon who was more experienced with advanced cases.  My surgery was scheduled for less than two weeks from the day my syrinx (spinal cyst) was found. My Craniectomy / C1 laminectomy  (1/2011) was very rough but I was calm and peaceful going in.
  I fully experienced the "peace that passes understanding".  I prayed for peace during this time and the Lord delivered big time! 
32 staples
 Within a month of my surgery I was diagnosed with Chemical Meningitis (2/2011) it was extremely painful and I had to be readmitted for another week. God was great  to me - it was caught before any irreversible damage was done.  After a few (near) symptom-free months I began passing out again with near-constant dizziness. I was assigned a new Cardiologist at this time (5/2011) who diagnosed me with Vasodepressor syncope, and eventually POTS syndrome. With new medication, I had a great summer. 
 In October 2011 I began passing out and not being able to stand up without falling or blacking out. I suffered a sever concussion in November which resulted in diplopia (double vision) after hitting my head on a table. Admitted for two weeks, a new physician did extensive testing which showed vitamin deficiencies and neurological issues which were addressed with more medication. After the hospital I was sent to a sub-acute inpatient rehab for two months. I left being able to walk with a walker.  Within six months I landed back in the rehab after having another severe fall. When I left (after a month) I was in a wheelchair, unable to stand without passing out. (Maybe you're beginning to see the yo-yo pattern that seemed to be following me). Soon after, I left for The Cleveland Clinic and saw a neurologist, a neurosurgeon and had extensive testing. 
After one of my many EEGs with my girl, Smashley

 Originally diagnosed with a vitamin deficiency that prevented oxygen from reaching my brain when I stood, I went home ecstatic that my problems had been solved. 
My wonderful friend Janine and I about to leave Cleveland Clinic

 When a new medication failed to work the doctor from Cleveland told me that was all he could do.  Disappointed, I returned (for a total of three visits) and found new doctors that hoped to solve my issues, again to no avail.   In late August 2012, I started losing feeling in both feet (tingling and loss of feeling often happened). Within twelve hours I was almost completely paralyzed.  I maintained the use of my right arm but everything else was dead weight. This was an extremely scary time for my husband, who had been so supportive and was getting frustrated with all the doctors. 
My hubby supported me through the entirety of my ordeal
I was again sent to the rehab after a long stay in the hospital.  One comforting thing about the rehab center were all the familiar faces, however I was not comfortable with others having to take care of ALL my needs.  I couldn't take showers or get myself in an out of bed easily.  Working with a great therapist, I slowly started making progress.  About the third week I was there I started making CRAZY progress! I went from barely being able to twitch my feet or flex my fingers to all-of-a-sudden being able to walk with a walker. 
Walking for the first time took EVERYONE by surprise!

Within a few days I was begging to stop using it. With encouragement and much prayer I progressively took steps day by day.  Within a week I was RUNNING down the hallway kicking a soccer ball! I was extremely blessed by the miracles that God was performing in my life!
How cute is he?

 I always knew that God would heal me, but I knew it would be in His timing, not mine.
 I had a wonderful physical therapy doctor who I eagerly suprised by walking up while he was at his desk.  He said "This shouldn't be possible! Someone who has been in a wheelchair for a year shouldn't be strong enough to stand- let alone walk!" Before I left, I had this doctor as well as my therapist believing that God had miraculously healed me, something I did NOT expect.
(If you don't know this, doctors don't typically like to give God much credit.)
It WAS pretty hard to deny!
  I was discharged within a few days and eagerly walked into a church event and surprised everyone! 
The day I left rehab, with my happy friend!
Walking down the aisle at my church the next day was one of the most exciting events of my life. My church family prayed for me consistently.  They became closer to me than family. I tried to miss very few church events due to illness because I just love the feeling I get from being around such supportive, encouraging people and the fellowship we have together.  Finding a place to worship the Lord where you can be yourself and grow in Christ is such a blessing in itself! 
I would love to say everything has been downhill from there, but I started having seizures and continued passing out.  Although I have landed back in the hospital several times, with some pretty serious falls, I have said buh-bye to the wheelchair! 

Most exciting recently is another HUGE miracle! I found out in April that I am expecting my first child in December! I can tell you honestly that I really didn't think this would happen for my husband and I.  God has done AMAZING things in my life around the time I found out about this child.. more on that later.
 I am so blessed. 
I wouldn't be where I am, or have grown in so many ways, had I not opened my heart to Christ.  I don't know how anyone lives without Jesus. Let him change you. It will undoubtedly be the best thing you ever do in your life.  I struggle everyday but have the love, strength and comfort of Jesus to make it through and come out better. 
God is great!

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